Martha Stewart: The Blog Show That Almost Wasn’t.



I heard about Martha Stewart hosting a special show just for bloggers back in December on Twitter. I immediately signed up for tickets hoping to see Martha Stewart for the first time and of course to meet other bloggers as well. I was ecstatic when I received confirmation from the people at the Martha Stewart show to tell me that I was invited. I couldn’t wait!Although I’m not a huge Martha Stewart fan, I do love her products and her style. I also enjoy watching her special holiday decorating shows. She definitely has some awesome ideas for the home. 

 The day of the show (two weeks ago), I took the 6:26am Metro-North train. Yes, that is extremely early but I was also meeting some of my friends that I knew (other bloggers that I will mention later on in the post) and have lunch with a few after the taping. So that time wasn’t a big problem for me.  The train ride started out great. I brought my breakfast with me and I got a great seat facing the Hudson river. I thought it was going to be a stress-free trip. That wasn’t the case that day.  

 I never thought that we would have to get off the train because of brake difficulties just twenty minutes into the ride. I was furious! I texted my friend Divina ( to let her know that I was going to be late caused by train problems and if possible, could she save me a spot on line. I was so hoping I would get there in time (8:30am) but it wasn’t looking good because the time was ticking. The whole train ride was nerve wrecking because I thought I was going to miss out.  

 It turned out that I just made it. I got on line at 8:45 but thank goodness I spoke to the MS crew to make sure I would able to gain access to the show since I was late. She assured me that I was fine and since I saw my other friends, Esti ( and Corine ( on line, I asked if I can join them. I felt bad asking because I was kind of jumping in front of some other bloggers but Corine was from my “email party” so she said it was ok. No one seemed to mind. I was just so relieved and glad I was finally there!  

 Once we got in, we showed ID and they gave us our tickets with a blue line across it (each group has a different number, letter and/or color).  Afterward, we went thru security and was finally inside the waiting room where I saw a bunch of bloggers. Most of which I didn’t even recognized but hoping to meet some of them. Not too long after, I finally saw my friends (and fellow bloggers).  

 It was great to see Divina, Nikki, Linda, Nichelle, Corine, Esti, Yakini and finally meet Imanamani and Justice Fergie.  

Me & Divina


Corine and me before the show


Yakini, Nikki & Linda

 About the show:

Blogging with the ”Whatever” Girls: Jennifer Koppelman-Hutt and Alexis Stewart discuss writing their side-by-side blogs. [I loved Jennifer but Alexis was kind of stuffy. She seemed as though she didn’t want to be there.]   

Chez Pim (Pim Techamuanvivit): She showed Martha how to make Pad Thai by cooking with her side by side. The smells from the kitchen was wonderful and I was really hoping we would taste her cooking but sadly, we didn’t. I did get a chance to meet her after the show and take a photo with her and Divina. She seems really nice and sincere. Some random guy came up to her and told her that he was her biggest fan and she took the time to actually talk to him and answer his questions. I think that was really sweet of her. All the bloggers that attended the show took home her brand new book, The Foodie Handbook: The (Almost) Definitive Guide to Gastronomy.   

 Blogger Jeff Blumenkrantz ( My Year of Cooking Fabulously): He blogs about using Martha Stewart’s cookbook as his guide to cook a meal everyday, sort of like the movie (& book) Julie & Julia. He demonstrated how to frost an orange almond cake and how to cut two slices of cake and remove the second for the perfect slice. It looked so delicious. I think we were all hoping we would get a taste of the cake but we didn’t.   

Blogger Andrew Ritchie (Martha Moments): He showed us how to make yarn-embellished cards with Martha Stewart.   

Me, Chez Pim & Divina after the show

Overall, the show was interesting. I just wish they featured other bloggers that were in the audience as well. Although, they did feature one blogger from the audience but it wasn’t a “real blogger”, in my opinion. Her site is called Hire Me Martha which sounds like a cry for a job to me.   

Anyway, are you ready for a special treat?  While everyone was taking photos of Martha’s HOT Yves Saint Laurent shoes, I took video with my sleek Kodak Zi6 video recorder.  

Click HERE for the video.   

*For the whole list of bloggers that attended the special blog show, click HERE.   

And, a special thanks goes out to Divina for “holding” my spot 😉 and for providing me with some of the pictures. 🙂


  1. How fun! Lisa you look great girl!

  2. I was also disappointed in the guests for the blogger show. I saw the 1st blogger show last year, with Perez Hilton as a guest, and thought it would be more like that. He talked about starting a blog, advertising, etc, all things that would interest us! But I figure the general audience doesn’t get all that, so they decided to do something different this year. So glad you had fun!!

  3. Love the video…. except for the extreme close up of me lol… but Martha’s shoes were definitely HOT! 🙂

  4. How cool that you got to be at the show! 🙂

  5. It was great meeting you in person too! So glad you made it after the train drama.

  6. Great pictures! ; ) I had so much fun with you all day!

  7. Great post! I really liked that you took a video. Got to see how everything looked, thanks for that!

  8. You look gorgeous!! That color really looks great on you.

    This sounds so fun!! It remind me of when I went to the Rachel Ray show – cooking shows are really fun. Man, I miss NYC 🙁

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