What a year 2009 has been.
It started off badly (financially) for the first six months but things started to “look” good in June so I would have to say 2009 wasn’t that great. But thank God things got better.
As for the blog, things couldn’t be better. I’ve met so many nice people that I now call “my friends” and I’m so glad I have them in my life (you know who you are). Having this blog has kept me sane like you wouldn’t believe. Going through financial stress is hard but when you know that other people are going through them as well, it keeps you hopeful and alive.
I’m hoping that 2010 has a lot to offer for all of us and hopefully the economy will pick up too.
I know I said previously that you will see changes on my site and I will be a better blogger for 2010 but I’ve already slacked off on my posts.
What can I say?
It was the holidays and family comes first but school is back in session so things should kick off to a nice, fresh start.
Thanks for all of your visits, support and for entering all of the giveaways. Stay tuned for new and exciting things in 2010!!
We live in New York State. Financial problems are, like, part of the territory. :-p I hear ya. Glad your year turned out better in the end! 😀 Happy New Year!
Im so gald to have met you too!
Blogging is definitely a form of therapy for me too.
Wishing you the best in 2010!
A dear friend described 2009 as a year of rain for so many to prepare us all for a 2010 filled with rainbows. I thought that was a beautiful way to look at things! I can empathize with you, it was a very difficult year on many level and I am not sad to see it go either. Wishing you and your lovely family a blessings filled 2010!