Time To Get Busy!

j0309664It’s almost the New Year and with that I decided to make lots of  changes, on my blog and in real life.  I’m looking into changing the theme/look of the site so it’s “clean looking and much more organized”.  I’m also looking into a part-time job (or full-time, whichever comes first) so I won’t be social networking too much but with my iPod touch, I know I’ll be in touch with my favorite people, bloggers & of course, Tweeters.  And, I’m going to start living my life as a new person.

You must be thinking what the heck is she talking about? Living her life as a new person.

Well, the past year I’ve had unnecessary drama that I will not discuss (we need a little privacy, don’t we?) and I hope to get pass that.  I hope that drama will be resolved because there is nothing positive about drama, in any situation.

So here’s to the upcoming new year, 2010

I hope to be a better person, a better wife, a better mom and a better blogger!! 😉 (In that order)

Life is way too short to sweat the small stuff, you know!

On another note, please be on the look out for some new giveaways, stories and everything else real soon.  MyBlogSpark has given me some great products for me to try out and with that, some yummy giveaways for all of you!


  1. Don’t even let the drama in, slam the door in it’s face!! 🙂 Looking forward to checking out the newly designed site, and wish you the best of luck in your new job search and personal renewal efforts. I beleive everyone is thinking ‘renewal’ for this New Year! Wishing you and your lovely family a blessings filled New Year!

  2. Glad to see you are going into the New Year with some positive energy and no drama- leave that for the novelas chica 😉

  3. Good for you! Can’t wait to see the change on your layout 🙂

  4. i agree with drama.. it just drains you with all the stress. Hope it all works out for you! If you need new graphics, let me know!

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