I can still remember the day it happened. It feels like it happened yesterday.
Although I was sleeping during this horrible tragedy, I was awoken by my husband who called to tell me to watch the news.
I asked him, “What channel?” He then said, “Any channel”. I said, “Why do you want me to watch the news”? He said, “You’ll see…I’ll stay on the phone when you watch what’s going on.”
I turned on the tv and I turned to Fox News (b/c it’s my favorite news channel) and I could not believe my eyes. My jaw dropped and I was quiet. It was so surreal. I felt like I was watching a movie.
I said, “Holy shit, what the hell is happening?”
My husband said relax and take it easy, just call your sister and make sure she’s ok and keep the baby busy.
So I called my sister and she said she was fine but startled. She told me everyone at the office was going to be sent home early.
After we spoke for a mere few seconds, I called my mom and we both cried. We couldn’t believe what was happening. We spoke until the phone call was dropped.
I got really scared after that.
I was even more scared after hearing that two other planes crashed into the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania.
What a tragedy.
To this day, I still can’t believe the Twin Towers are gone.
I don’t know anyone that died (Thank God) but I do know a few people that knew others that died.
I just hope that September 11th won’t ever happened again.
God bless America.
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