Swine Flu Update.

Remember this post?

It’s the one I was complaining about a student that was kept private in the school district my kids go to.

Well, I found out today that it was not one, not two but three students that were diagnosed with the Swine Flu AND they go to the same school as my son (my oldest) and my daughter (my youngest).

I was shocked!

They are from the same family.  The two older children go to the same school as my son and the youngest goes to the same nursery my daughter goes to.

How ironic?

I couldn’t believe it.  My daughter’s teacher contacted all the other parents except for me!

How nice! (grrrrr)

So, they are now fully recovered (thank goodness).  My daughter’s school was closed last Friday so they can disinfect everything.  I was glad to hear that because you know 4 year olds; they love to put their fingers in their mouths all.the.time.

So, I’m glad I found out today and I’m really glad that the kids are doing well.  I just could not believe I was not aware of the situation because it could’ve been alot worse!


  1. WHAT?!? Why didn’t she call you? That’s so weird.

    I’m really relieved that they are all better and there was no contagion!

  2. Wow, did you find out why you weren’t called? That’s really crazy it happened to be your kids school. Glad everyone is okay though.

  3. I’m a nurse (originally from & educated in NYC) and I work in a busy hospital here down South. I can understand your frustration and dissapointment. I admitted a patient to my floor from the ER who had already tested positive for influenza A (a telltale pre cursor)The ER nurses thought nothing of it, as far as wearing personal protective equiptment. I had enough sense to place this person in a negative pressure/airborne isolation room for precautions, and made sure staff had the appropriate personal protective equiptment to protect themselves in the event that this was indeed positive for swine flu.I am glad that I did all of that, because I received a call from occupational health saying that he was positive and since I was one of many who came in contact with him, I needed to be treated with a course of Tamiflu. Turns out he was one of 5 admissions that tested positive.

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