Friday Fill-Ins

I decided to do one of these while I was reading Isolated Existence (which is a great blog),  so I thought I should do one too.

So here are mine:

1. I grew up thinking  I was fat because I have thick thighs.

2. Twitter was the last website I was at before coming here.

3. Why don’t you sign up for Swagbucks? It’s awesome!

4. Coffee helps me relax.

5. Thanks for the visit, I really appreciate it..

6.Laundry sometimes can become very off-putting.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to watching tv with my hubby, tomorrow my plans include going to the Big Apple BBQ Party and Sunday, I want to sleep in and rest all day!

For more Friday Fill-ins, click HERE.


  1. Hey, Chica thanks for the linky amor! Glad you decided to join in. I agree with #1 & #4. I was told that too when I was growing up & coffee helps me relax. Makes me feel all cozy. We did the same #2, lol. Enjoy your weekend! 😉

  2. Swagbucks addict here! I just can’t get enough of it. My husband says I will find any reason to search on Swagbucks. It’s true.

    Hugs and Mocha,

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