Does my site take a long time to load up?

A few people emailed me this weekend and mentioned to me that when they go on my site, it loads up pretty slow.  I do apologize because I had no idea.  I hate it when I go on a site and it takes forever to load up; I get impatient and close the site.  I really don’t want people leaving my site because it’s slow.  So I went ahead and deleted some stuff that I thought might make it run slow.  So if it continues to load up slowly, PLEASE let me know.  I may have to remove more “things” that I don’t really need.

Thanks so much!!


  1. It’s still a bit slow but a lot better than before. If you have any old themes you should definitely get rid of those on your hosting files. I couldn’t even leave a comment before so this is definitely an improvement!

  2. No problems loading for me. 😀

  3. Loads better now. Normally I would get frustrated but because it is you, I wait. Tu eres mi panita, so ya tu sabes, lol. I too removed/changed things from my blog and made the other ones smaller because I was reading a blog where he was talking about how frustrated he gets when he has to wait forever for the page to load. The BlogLog and Blog Catalog I used to have them big but now I only have 5 rows. Recent comments and cloud tag, I also made them smaller. 🙂

  4. Sometimes I lock up for acouple seconds then it loads…not always though

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