7 Facts about ME.

I stole this from another blog (I don’t remember from where) and I thought it would be fun to post it here.

Here’s the rules:

1. List these rules on your blog.

2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.

3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

You’ll have to read on for my 7 facts and see who I tagged.

  • If I don’t have my morning coffee, I am tired and somewhat moody.
  • I don’t like unexpected guests.  Don’t ring my doorbell and expect me to be happy you came over without letting me know first.
  • I love the smell of fresh cut grass, Pine-Sol and clean laundry.
  • My favorite seasons are Spring and Fall.
  • If I invite people to a party at my house, I hate when they invite “others” without letting me know first. I think that is just plain rude.
  • I don’t like the taste of plain water so to drink it, I put in lemon or lime slices.  It tastes really good like that.
  • I’m over-protective of my kids after seeing “To catch a predator”.  I need to know where my kids are at ALL times.  I can’t trust anyone.

Now I’m tagging:

Anyone can join in if you’d like.  I would love to know more about my fellow bloggers.  Just leave me a comment. 🙂


  1. To catch a predator was an eye opener. It’s one thing when you hear about it or see it in a movie or TV show but when you see as it is happening it’s a scary thing! Thanks for the tag. I have been feeling blah lately and can’t think of anything to post so this gives me something 🙂

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