Part II…

…from the post below about the Bronx Zoo.  A couple that was stuck in one of the cars for 5 hours are now suing the zoo for psychological trauma.  They are not asking for $1 million dollars for the heartache and the fear they endured, they are asking for $10 million dollars!! Wow! Can you believe that??

Check out the article here and tell me what you think.


  1. Hey Chica – I was thinking, she shouldn’t haven’t gotten up there to begin with. When you’re pregnant, you ought to be always assessing potential “situations” and not put yourself in a bad place. I saw the attorney on TV – he was SO excited he was almost smiling. Shame on them.

  2. NewYorkChica says:

    You know, you are so right. If I was there and pregnant, I would NOT go up there.  I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.  People should understand that these things do break down from time to time.  They are machines and machines break down..  Just my two sense.

  3. The attorneys and peole will use any situation to make easy money and sue, sue, sue! 10 mil? C’mon!!!
    That’s why restaurants and grocery store throw away tons and tons of good food because they fear being sued if given to the homeless and they get “sick” and sue. Makes me so mad.

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