NOT in the mood

It’s Wednesday already.

Oh my goodness.  I haven’t posted on my blog since this post and frankly, I just don’t have the energy to think of things to write about.  I have been so busy lately that I am always feeling exhausted.  I had my niece and my nephew from N.C. here for a few weeks and even though it was a lot of fun; it was also a lot of work.

They left Monday so things have calm down quite a bit but I do miss them.  I guess I got used to them.  They’re adorable.  I had 5 kids all together; including my kids (ages 3-11), my mother-in-law and my husband.  It was especially hard without my stove working too.  Yup, remember this post?

Well, this past Monday, our local propane company delivered a nice tank full of propane and now my stove is alive and kicking!! I am so happy. Hubby finally fixed the piece that was broken this past weekend.  Hubby is also happy but now he’s afraid he may gain the weight that he lost.  Oh well, too bad for him.

I am so happy I can cook any food, bake any cake or cookies and be creative.  Now I’m on a look out for some nice cooking blogs so if you know of any, please let me know.


  1. Glad you guys had a great visit and getting your stove working.

    I have a recipe blog your welcome to look at. Not a lot there there yet but maybe you will find something. There’s many good food blogs on the internet. They make me hungry when I go looking! LOL

    Have a great week! 🙂

  2. NewYorkChica says:

    Hey Chilly!! Thanks alot!!  I also get hungry when I look at those blogs…lol

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