Works for me Wednesday

I don’t know about you but I love Egg Salad Sandwiches, especially because it contains mayonnaise.  I love mayo but with bathing suit season coming up, I like to remove the mayo because of all the calories and fat that it contains.  Instead I like to add Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) with a pinch of salt and pepper.  I eat the eggs with some no-salt crackers and that is either my breakfast or lunch.  It fills you up without the feeling of guilt afterwards.  I also love to use olive oil because it is also great for your skin; keeps your skin smooth and supple.  I use it almost everyday and I put in virtually everything I make.  Salads, pasta, potatoes, rice, meats and the list can go on and on.

Here is what EVOO is also great for:

*It raises the good HDL cholesterol and lowers the bad LDL cholesterol.  Basically it doesn’t clog you arteries.  It’s good for your heart and it lowers your risk of cancer.

*It’s great for your hair too.  It leaves it smooth and shiny.

*If you’re prone to headaches like me, try some olive oil to ease the pain.  EVOO contains oleocanthal which is a natural compound, like ibuprofen, blocks pain-producing and inflammatory substances — but without the risk of stomach upset.

*It can be used as a moisturizer for those rough hands, knees and elbows.  I also use it for my dry heels before going to bed.  I rub EVOO on my feet, put on some socks then go to bed.  In the morning, my feet are soft, smooth and I don’t have to feel embarrassed when I wear sandals because my feet are not dry looking.

For more tips, visit Rocks in my dryer


  1. Who knew that it could be good for so many things? Seriously, a headache??Wow.

  2. I too love mayonnaise, probably far too much. I would have never thought to use olive oil for egg salad but it sounds good! Olive oil is one of the greatest foods, and I love how it smells.

  3. Olive oil rocks! How do you use it to fight headaches? Drink a teaspoon of it? Or rub it on your head?

    How do you use it to make your hair all shiny?

  4. I once knew a woman who swore by olive oil for cradle cap…

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