Do you think President Bush is on “our” Side?

*I don’t know much about politics, but I know enough. So this post is solely my own opinion.  You can agree or disagree with me.  Comments that are harsh, will be deleted.*

When I say “our” side, I mean the working class; the people that are working their asses off to survive in this country.  A few days ago, I heard on the radio that President Bush went to Saudi Arabia to “talk” about oil and stuff like that.  I was wondering, since he does own stocks in oil/gas, was he really there to help out Americans with oil prices?

I can’t help but think it was all a front.  I know there are people that think the way I do too.  He doesn’t want oil prices to go down because then his stocks will go down.  He is all for the rich, and not for the working class or the poor people.  He wants the working class to fall and he will do everything in his power to have that happen.

It’s sad, but we are living in a day and age where the rich are getter richer, and the poor are getting poorer.  Soon there will be no middle class/working class.  It’s awful.  That’s what we get for having a Republican in office.  I think we were doing pretty good financially when we had Clinton for President.  Yes, he didn’t want us to go to war but he did alot for the Middle class.  Yes, he lied about having an affair with Monica but what official hasn’t?  We all don’t know about the affairs until they get caught.  That is just a sad fact when men are in power.  President Kennedy did it.  He had an affair with Marilyn Monroe. 

So, now we have two democratic parties that are fighting to be our new president.  Who will win?  I don’t know about you but I think it’s time to have a new leader.  Clinton was already in the White House so that leaves Obama to be the new President. 

So, what are your opinions about this? 

You can read more in the New York Times here.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hmmm, something to think about….


  1. I hate Bush. He has single-handedly destroyed our global reputation and the economy of this country. He has to be one of the dumbest people to ever be in politics (and that’s really saying something! lol). My opinion? Obama all the way!

  2. I love Ron Paul. He’s the only guy who will defend our Constitution and guarantee our rights. That’s what a president is supposed to do, not micro-manage our businesses and our lives.

    Bush is a traitor but so is Clinton.

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