Works for me Wednesday

I have 3 kids–an 11 year old son, a 9 year old daughter and a 3 year old daughter.  By the time the first two turned three, they were potty trained.  Even though I started at age 2 for the first two, they weren’t ready (I didn’t know; I thought all 2 year olds were “supposed” to be potty trained at 2).  I’m very nonchalant with my third when it comes to alot of things. I guess it’s because she is the baby of the house, she’s my last baby (I got my tubes tied in 05′) and I know I won’t have another baby in the house.  Which is ok, but sad at the same time.

Anyway, I introduced the potty to her when she was about 2-1/2.  She was showing some signs like she knew when she was peeing in her diaper.  That went on for about 6 months until January of this year.  She decided she didn’t want to wear diapers anymore and that she wanted to be more like her sister and wear panties.  So one weekend, she started peeing in the potty and she has been ever since. 

Here is what “Works for me”:

* make sure she uses the bathroom right before bed. 
*don’t give her anything to drink an hour before bed.
*tell her if  she pees on her panties, Dora or whatever character she is wearing will get very upset.  She never wants to upset her friends so this one always works. 
This also helps during the day too.
*If there is an accident at nite, I always put her to bed with a Pull-up.
*Consider investing in a portable seat when you are out. My daughter is terrified of public bathrooms because when the toilet flushes, it’s usually really loud.  This seat has helped us many times when I’m out with her running errands.

The only thing I am having problems with is pooping in the potty.  She refuses and she screams when I ask her to go potty when she is showing signs of straining.  She asks me for a Pull-up so that she can poop in it.  I don’t know what to do.  It would be easier for her if she would squat when she pooped but she doesn’t. She poops standing up. 

*Does anyone know of a toddler pooping standing up?  It is just weird to me. So if anybody can give me some advice on how to ease her into pooping in the potty, I would really appreciate it.  I have tried everything and nothing I do works.

***For more tips on anything you can think of, go here and enjoy the many tips people have.  I’m sure you’ll find something!
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  1. Both my sons (20 & 14 now) were difficult. Pooping was the worst part. I could get them to pee during the day, which was great. But, it was a constant battle. I just put them on about 30-60 mins after dinner and if it happened, yay. If it didn’t I didn’t push it. Eventually it clicked. Maybe try the toilet instead of the potty? Makes them feel like big people. By 3, I was totally through with diapers.

    The overnight thing was the easiest. They just started not having wet diapers and I went straight to underoos!

  2. I came over for WFMW, since my daughter is about to turn 2 and starting to show interest. I’ve had the same problem though, when I start thinking about training, because she always poops standing up! How is she going poop sitting when she’s never been able to poop unless she’s standing? The nice thing about that is she’s never pooped while in the car. Lol. So if you come up with an idea, let me know!

  3. The pooping thing was tough for my girls, too (ages 3 & 6 now). Eventually they worked it out. My 3 year old is still in Pull Ups at night; they’re dry about 2/3 of the time.

    A tip for public toilets that have sensors: cover them with a few sheets of TP or a post-it note. Then you (or they) can remove it when they’re ready. My oldest’s kindergarten teacher permanently covered the one in her classroom with a big sticker.

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