
Happy new year everyone! Eleven days in and this is my first post of the year. Whoa! I really need to make some blog adjustments this year. So while everyone else is trying to keep their resolutions or goals, I just came up with one motivational word for the year and that word is Live. You may be asking why live? Well since 2015 didn't end so well with my mom passing and all, I decided that I will stop being down, stop feeling depressed and unmotivated to do anything and instead turn … [Read more...]

Shout-Out Sunday – 4/10/11

To read why Shout-Out Sunday was created, please click on this link to read all about it. HAPPY SUNDAY EVERYONE! 1. If you're a blogger or send photos to any Social Media site such as Twitter or Facebook, then you need to read this article. 2. You know that saying, "there's an app for that?" Well there is when it comes to saving your marriage. 3. I said this before, if I could afford it, I would travel every month - but since I can't, this blog "almost" makes me feel as though I'm … [Read more...]