Trying to Keep My Culture Alive at Home with Verizon FiOS #SomosFiOS

Disclosure: This post is part of a sponsored campaign with Verizon FiOS (#SomosFiOS). All thoughts and opinions expressed here are 100% my own.

Somos FiOS LogoGrowing up in a bilingual home meant I was able to communicate in both Spanish and English — in my own special way.  It was and still is tough for me to speak correct Spanish because I was the type of kid that never wanted to make mistakes trying to speak Spanish to my abuelos when I was at their house.  I was a shy, soft-spoken child that was often teased (by my cousins) when I would say a Spanish word that wasn’t pronounced ‘right.’  So I grew up understanding EVERYTHING in Spanish but never really learning the correct way to speak the language because I refused to say anything in Spanish after being made fun of.  As an adult, I’m even embarrassed to admit that I still have a tough time speaking correct Spanish. It just doesn’t flow the way I would like.

My husband on the other hand, speaks perfect (almost) Spanish. He lived in Puerto Rico for many years til’ he was 17 years old.  Knowing that he can speak the Spanish language very well, I thought he would teach our children Spanish so at least they can be bilingual.


Unfortunately my kids are not growing up bilingual.  But, I’m hoping that will change with the Spanish package that Verizon FiOS is offering.  I really need to try keep our culture alive in our home so that they can grow up to know more than just the English language.

verizon Fios spanish package

I can surely try my best at keeping my culture alive with the Spanish Language Package from Verizon FiOS which brings you 70 channels, with 14 of them in HD. For a limited time, get 50% off and pay only $7.49 a month for the first 12 months!

verizon span

Having the Spanish Package also means every night is movie night. Cine Sony Television brings you your favorite Hollywood blockbusters, all in Spanish, all day and all night long. Now you can get the best action, comedy and horror movies anytime you like.

As for us, we will take full advantage of the Spanish Package and learn some Spanish from awesome movies, shows and novelas (soap operas).  I want to be able to speak correctly and have my children learn and know the Spanish language as well.

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