Chicafessions: A New Series

Hey everyone!!

Can you believe it’s 2015? I can’t. I clearly remember the 90’s like it was yesterday but when I look at my license and see my date of birth, it immediately feels like a lifetime ago.

Sigh……I guess that’s life!

So I turned 40 a couple of weeks ago. YAY!!!! I hear 40 is the new 30 from many people. We shall see.  So far it’s been ok – nothing exciting except for my husband constantly yelling, “You’ve joined the 40-club with me”! Yeah, yeah… Age is just a number, right?

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Anyway, after blogging for more than 5 years, I’ve decided to add a new series to the ol’ blog.  New York Chica needs a serious pick-me-up; don’t you think? I’m calling it Chicafessions.  It’s where I confess about anything my heart desires to spill out! You can also chime in and not let me feel alone in my confession.  That would be great! 🙂

This week I’m confessing about Christmas Decorations.

Would you call me crazy if I told you my Christmas decorations were still up?  I hope not! Because they are! AACK!!

Every year I blame Three Kings Day for having my Christmas decorations up til’ around January 6th but honestly, who am I kidding? We don’t even celebrate Three Kings Day!

To be honest, I’m dreading to see the decorations gone.  Having the holiday decorations around makes the house look so festive and alive! I know that after the decorations are all put away, winter depression may set in and I seriously don’t want that to happen.  I may have to start a new trend. After Christmas is over and done with, I should decorate the house with fake flowers that screams Spring!

What do you think?

Or just decorate for Valentine’s Day and drive my husband berserk since he hates the holiday. Let’s see what happens.

So do YOU still have your Christmas decorations up?  Please chime in and confess with me today! 😉


  1. Right after the new year, I put everything away! I just can’t see anything Christmasy after the holidays are over. 🙂

    • My husband wants it gone but he won’t put anything away so when I’m ready, I’ll do it 😉 He’s going to FLIP! Lol Thanks for visiting Sara!

  2. I love Christmas! It’s my fave holiday so I play Christmas music and leave Christmas light up all year long. My boys don’t mind 🙂
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  3. Robin Wilson says:

    I will never forget the year that my dad decided to leave his tree up year round!! And he did for an entire year until after the next Christmas when he decided that dusting the tree was nuts. I just got the last of my tree down so you’re not alone. But even though I love the holidays as soon as they are over I’m ready for everything to be taken down. Like you mentioned I have a real case of post holidays depression. But they are gone and I’m okay now.

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