Wordless Wednesday: The Cutest Princess Diaper Castle

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Look what I spotted at a friend’s baby shower. The cutest princess diaper castle! Isn’t it beautiful??


Excuse the blurry photo.


  1. Terri K. Hess says:

    Emma also adored princesses at this age, particularly Cinderella and Snow White, and we had visited with them several times during our first couple of days on the ship. A few days into our cruise we wandered into the foyer when Emma spied Snow White across the room and made a beeline for her yelling “Snow White”. Snow White didn’t miss a beat – she got down on the floor, held open her arms and called out “Emma” as she welcomed her with a warm hug. That was one of my favourite memories from our cruise.

  2. That is a beautiful diaper castle. I have always loved these diaper souvenirs that they make for baby showers. The people who make them are very talented.
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