Wordless Wednesday: Before and After – Locks of Love

Happy Wordless Wednesday everyone!! Hope you enjoy your Hump Day!

So this is what my weekend was like…..

We are donating her lovely locks to Locks of Love. And just so you know, she wanted this done because of a classmate who is going thru chemotherapy and who unfortunately has lost all of her hair :(. My sweet girl has a huge heart!


  1. Mary Beth Elderton says:

    Wow! What a lovely, generous action. My Hubz just donated an 18″ ponytail to Locks of Love.

  2. What a nice thing for a young child to think of doing. Beautiful!

  3. Aww, so cute!
    Isolated Existence recently posted..What Helps Me Sleep.

  4. Awesome!!

  5. That is the sweetest thing ever! Her hair must have been really long because she’s got a good amount of hair left!

  6. That is the sweetest thing ever! And she still kept a good length of hair!
    Jai recently posted..My baby turns 5!!

  7. Migdalia - @MsLatina says:

    That was so sweet of her Lisa! Goes to show you how well you are raising her! Hope all is well, I’ve missed seeing you on Twitter. Hugs Girl”

  8. Oh wow! I helped a friend donate her locks – we flat ironed her curls to get the length right. It’s such a feel-good thing to do.

    Miss you girl! Been a while since I’ve been blog hopping, so I’m happy I hopped on over here!
    Li recently posted..LushLunes: Stress is Not Invited

    • I think it’s the sweetest thing to do. I miss you and blog hopping too! Haven’t done that in a long time! Thanks for stopping by. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. This is awesome. I am currently letting my daughter’s hair grow as long as possible for this purpose =) Precious girl you have there!

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