Wordless Wednesday: Trained Monkey #WW

It’s been a while since I posted a Wordless Wednesday and it’s one of the easiest posts to write! Right? 😉 I call this photo “Trained Monkey” only because it was taken in a metro-North train in NYC AND look at what my daughter is doing.  I know I shouldn’t let her do this but she’s only 6 for a little while ;).




  1. ha!! the title is a great description!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    momto8blog recently posted..Wordless Wednesday

  2. Great image! You can view my WW here: http://su.pr/45TIxd

    Have a wonderful afternoon!
    The Healthy Moms Magazine recently posted..Get a Break from Stress and Anxiety with this all Natural Sedative (Giveaway)

  3. I have little monkeys in my house too. I think it goes with the age.
    Kerri recently posted..Daddy and Baby Savvy #WordlessWednesday

  4. Looks like a lot of fun.

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