MVP #GenerationGo: Time Management & Setting Goals (& a $50 VISA Gift Card Giveaway)

Time management

As an MVP Generation Ambassador, I’ve been posting about various topics.  I posted about ways to explore your community, posted one of my favorite kid-friendly recipes and about finding creative ways for recreation. This week’s topic is Time Management and Setting Goals.

In New York, summer is almost over and school will be starting very soon.  With that being said, it’s time to manage my time wisely and set some goals as well.

Throughout the summer time, things at our house can sometimes be laid back and less strict. The kids are not on schedule and they don’t have a set time for bed, among other things.  But during the last few weeks in August, things start to change.  That’s where I set some goals for the kids (mostly school-related goals) and decide how I will manage my time (and theirs).

For me, the most efficient way to manage time is to have a large, paper calendar hung on the kitchen wall near the refrigerator. It’s the most centralized and most popular spot in the house.  If it weren’t for the calendar on the wall, I would forget everything.   My husband has a nickname for me – Forgetful Lisa.  If it’s not written down, I forget.  Having a large paper calendar is perfect for us because we all have enough space to write down anything we don’t want to overlook.  It’s especially prefect for my kids to see whose day it is to clean out the cat litter. 😉

Another time management saver is my iPod Touch.  I can jot down our doctor appointments, blog events, birthdays and/or school activities in the calendar section and attach an alarm to the day to remind me of the date.  You have no idea how much that has saved me when I forget to write it on the calendar.

Every year, before school starts, I sit down with my two older children and we set the same goals for each of them for the upcoming school year.  It’s self-explanatory and extremely easy.

  • Make sure you do your homework every night
  • Make sure you read 20 minutes everyday
  • Empty and organize your pack back every Friday.
  • Find a school activity or club to join
  • Write down ALL homework in planner
  • Find a study-buddy to make sure you are never behind
  • Try to do your absolute best

As you can see from our goals, it’s not that difficult for any child to follow. Some of them even look like rules – they are but I like to call them “goals.”

I have great news for those of you who live near Rochester, NY. It’s Sport’s Day at Frontier Field!

MVP Generation Go Sports Day at Frontier Field

Frontier Field
One Morrie Silver Way
Rochester, NY 14608
Saturday, August 20, 2011
10 am to 2 pm

(Registration starts at 9:30 am)

Try each of these fun activities –

  • * Baseball with the Rochester Red Wings
  • * Lacrosse with Gary Gait – legendary coach and player
  • * Soccer with YMCA coaches, featuring Doug Miller
  • * Biking with the MVP Health Care Bike Team
Registration is required for kids only.
Suggested for kids ages 5-15
Activities for parents, too! Don’t forget, it’s FREE!


And now, for the best part – the giveaway!


Mandatory Entry: In a comment, please share how you manage your time and what goals you usually set for yourself and/or your children.


1) Like the MVP GenerationGo Fan page and add your favorite time management and/or any goal setting tips over there.

2) Tweet your “Tips” comment with these hashtags: #GenerationGo , #Timemanagement and #GoalSetting .

3) Follow New York Chica and Tweet this (Once a day):

@NewYorkChica is giving away a $50 VISA Gift Card. Perfect for Back-to-School. Ends Aug 26th #Giveaway #GenerationGo

4) Like this post (button is below this post).

5) “Like” New York Chica on Facebook.

6) Subscribe by email for free updates.

**For official giveaway rules, please click here.**

Disclosure: I am an MVP Generation Go ambassador. MVP Has provided me with compensation for this post. The $50 VISA gift card is sponsored by the generous people over at Kids Fun Plaza. My participation is voluntary and my opinion is always my own.


  1. Jackie Jones says:

    I keep on track by keeping lots of to do lists on calendars and sticky notes around the house

  2. Kyl Neusch says:

    use a schedule and try to stay in shape

  3. Kyl Neusch says:

    “Like” New York Chica on Facebook.

  4. I make a list from most important to least important and do what I can and still have time for my family

  5. liked this post

  6. like New York Chica on facebook

  7. sweeter the berry says:

    I have my to do list on my calendar to manage my time. The goals I have for family is recreation, chores, making dental appointments and staying healthy

  8. sweeter the berry says:

    email subscriber

  9. sweeter the berry says:

    like newyorkchica fb page/letesshaw

  10. sweeter the berry says:

    liked this post


  11. sweeter the berry says:

    Like the MVP GenerationGo Fan page/letesshaw

  12. I like to schedule our free time to spend together as a family. We keep a calendar on our fridge to keep all of our activities and appts organized!

  13. I’m a pretty good time manager. I always give myself plenty of time to get ready before we go anywhere. I try to instill in my kids a sense of punctuality and in fact we are usually early no matter where we go.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  14. I follow on Twitter @eswright18 and tweeted!/eswright18/status/106506171799711744
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  15. I like you on FB (Ellie W)
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  16. Liked this giveaway
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  17. Jennifer Marie says:
  18. Jill Myrick says:

    Each person in our family makes a list on weekends of games, practices and appointments for the week. And on Sunday night I organize the lists so that I know come Monday morning who needs to be where and when for the rest of the week.


  19. Jill Myrick says:

    I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.


  20. Jill Myrick says:

    I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.

  21. I write down the tasks that need to be done in multiple places…written in my personal calender, on a calender on the wall, on the computer, in my phone, etc.

  22. I own a business, so I am still learning time management. I try to go to bed and get up at the same time daily and keep my kids on a schedule – even on the weekends.

  23. I manage my time and goals by keeping a diary to keep track of everything I need to get done. If its not written down, I’ll forget.

  24. like you on fb (julie hawkins)

  25. To keep on track with my own time management (as well as everyone else’s in the house), I make lists obsessively, prioritizing the tasks for the day or week ahead and checking off items as I do them. I also set a time limit for leisure or coffee breaks so I don’t stray too far from the task at hand, I avoid multitasking like the plague (I’m much better at focusing on a single item on my agenda at once), and only allow myself to check email at certain times throughout the day. Thanks!

    gkaufmanss at yahoo dot com

  26. I like the MVP GenerationGo Fan page (Geoff K) and added my tips to their wall:

  27. I’m following you on twitter (@guettel78) and I tweeted the giveaway:!/guettel78/status/106571813399703552

  28. I liked this post: Geoff K

  29. I like you on facebook: Geoff K

  30. I subscribe to your email updates: gkaufmanss at yahoo dot com

  31. Jessica Applegate says:

    I manage my time by putting things to do on a dry erase board so I don’t forget.
    Some goals I set for myself and my son is to always be on time and if you aren’t going to be on time then let someone know and also not to procrastinate.

  32. The only kids I have are my cats- Fred and ginger. My hubby and I run a berry farm and we stay busy. We’re doing some home repairs on our screen porch, and one of us fixes lunch and does other chores in the meantime.
    My poor hubby keeps “losing” his roofing tools- so I try to keep him organized.

  33. I have a planner

  34. Christine says:
  35. I am a big list maker and set a daily schedule to make sure the family stays on task and gets everything done.

  36. Jen Harriman says:

    I am actually a horrible time manager, I am always rushing, always late & always stressed!! Each school year I set a goal for myself to become more organized & slowly but surely it is happening.

  37. Jen Harriman says:

    im a facebook fan of your blog. Jen Harriman

  38. Jen Harriman says:

    im also an email subscriber

  39. Katharina says:

    I manage my time with LISTS. When I organize with lists, everything seems to go a lot more smoothly. I also have goal lists for all of us. 🙂
    Katharina angelsandmusic[at]gmail[dot]com

  40. Katharina says:

    I “like” MVP Generation Go on Facebook
    (Katharina Ess)

  41. Katharina says:

    I “like” you on Facebook (Katharina Ess)

  42. Katharina says:

    I subscribed via email (and confirmed!) 🙂
    Katharina angelsandmusic[at]gmail[dot]com

  43. Craig Johnson says:

    I try to get up an extra hour early so I can get a head start on the day!!

  44. Diane Baum says:

    I manage my time by keeping a calendar of important events on the fridge, so everyone in the family sees it-We leave open big spaces of time on the weekend for family time.


  1. […] MVP #GenerationGo: Time Management & Setting Goals (& a $50 VISA Gift Card Giveaway) Tags: click here.**Disclosure, official giveaway rules, MVP Health Care […]