Before & After Hurricane #Irene

What’s going on in my life here in New York……thanks to Hurricane Irene.

Rain is pouring down, as I write this.

Rain has been falling since yesterday afternoon.

My garage is flooded.

Half of my driveway/backyard looks like a small lake.

{fyi: That pipe across the driveway is a make-shift sump pump that hubby created to divert rain water. Too bad it’s not working today}

My husband was activated to the National Guard to help out with emergencies and possible disasters so he’s not here to make things “better.”

There’s water in our basement — lots of it.

Sump pump is working overtime or probably not working at all.

I’m hoping for no power outage because we don’t own a generator (bad choice!).

My anxiety levels are extremely high without my husband home.

My tummy is in knots. I’m hungry. I’m not hungry.

Before (or maybe I should say during) Hurricane Irene:

After Hurricane Irene:

As you can see, major flooding for us. I can hear the water pouring down to the basement. Ugh.

I’m hoping things are better in your neighborhood.  Stay safe everyone.


  1. Oh,wow! I hope the rain and flooding slack off a bit. As a Louisiana resident I know how you feel. Hopefully, your husband will be home soon to ease some of the anxiety. Be safe!

    Hugs and Mocha,
    Stesha recently posted..Handstand Kids

  2. Oh no!!! I hope you get the house back to normal 🙁
    Rachel recently posted..Wordless Wednesday: 3 Hours After The Quake

  3. Oh goodness. Hopefully the rain has passed you by and water will start to go down soon. Dont go outside! Hope your husband comes back home soon but until then know he’s helping other families who really need it. Be proud and get something to eat!
    Nikki @ Mommy Factor recently posted..Coping with NYC Earthquakes, Hurricane Irene & Possible Blackout

  4. Wow, that’s crazy. I’ve been watching everything that’s been going on out there – as an East Coast native, this is probably about the only time in the last 13+ years that I *haven’t* wished that I was back home. =/

    Stay safe, thank you to your husband for his service, and thank you for supporting him in it!

    Take care!

    Non-Stop Mom recently posted..Building stuff….

  5. Wow! So sorry you had to experience this! I’m at my sisters in Brooklyn and we’re all fine. No damage, no flooding. Same in my apartment in Manhattan. Hope your hubby comes home soon and that things get better!
    Sujeiry, 1st Lady of Love recently posted..Seeking A Disaster Ready Boyfriend Post Hurricane Irene

  6. So sorry you have to deal with all the flooding. Glad you and your family is safe, but stressful I’m sure. Take care!

  7. dito…hows everything now? all gone or are you still dealing with it? no matter what though, we have to be thankful that we didnt get it as bad as we probably all assumed we would.

  8. I am so sorry about the flood. I hope things get better soon!

    Send you many hugs xo
    Patty @ A Day in My NYC recently posted..Resilient

  9. Oh man! I hope things are ok today!!!!

    Sending you lots of love!


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