Shout-Out Sunday – 2/6 #BloggingTips

Shout-Out Sunday was created to showcase blog posts from bloggers from all over.  Lately I’ve been trying to find blogging tips and tricks on how to become a better blogger and how to monetize my blog.  Over the time, I have saved lots of articles that I’m sure will be helpful and useful for you, my dear readers.

I hope you enjoy this week’s reads:

1. How to gain followers on Twitter fast.

2. How to build a better blog.

3. Do you have blogging oaths?

4. How to become a better blogger.

5. How to back up your blog properly.

I hope you can learn from these posts like I did.  Come back next Sunday to see who’s featured on the Shout-Out Sunday post!



  1. What a great list of resources1
    Nicole Feliciano recently posted..Mom Blogger Events

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