Wordless Wednesday – Pooh & Tigger On Broadway {Linky}

This past Saturday, I went to the city for a show (post coming up) and when I got off the train, there was a festival with vendors selling clothes, jewelry, music, all types of food from different cultures, Pooh & Tigger dancing to reggae music & lots of people walking around enjoying the scene.

My daughter and I walked around a bit and bought some empanadas (savory meat pastry) from a Puerto Rican vendor and it was delicious! We also bought some ice cream and a strawberry & pineapple smoothie.  Later that day I met up with my friend Rachel and her daughter. She shared her decadent crepes with Nutella & strawberries (which I’ve got to try making – it was so good) with me.  How sweet of her ;).

It was such a fun day!

For more Wordless Wednesday, please visit Latinaonamission.com & Ridingwithnohands.com.

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  1. What a great picture! Pooh n Tiger were getting down! LOL Thanks for everything Lisa! I had a very sweet time!

  2. That’s the very of New York, lots to do, lots to see!

  3. I hope they at least had rhythm! LOL

  4. Hey, I’ve seen those. 🙂

    I’m just hopping WW posts! 🙂 Come by mine when you can.
    hali @daytodayMOMents recently posted..Wordless Wednesday – Fishy!

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