Boot Camp | Movie Review

My family and I are movie gurus. We watch movies all the time, especially on the weekends.  It’s a great way to spend time with your family and save money too.

bootcampA couple of weeks ago, I received Boot Camp to review so my  husband and I decided to watch it last night. I saw the trailer on Youtube before so I knew I would enjoy this movie, especially since I have a teenager now.

Here’s the summary of the movie below:

A group of troubled teens are sent to a rehabilitation program housed in a remote camp on the island of Fiji. What their parents believe is a state-of-the-art deluxe institution in a beautiful natural environment turns out to be a prison-like boot camp where they are abused and brainwashed.

This movie is great for teenagers that are having a hard time in life and are doing things they really aren’t supposed to do.  This movie not only teaches teens that places other than home are not always better but they also teach kids that life is what you make it.

DVD is available now to buy or rent.


  1. This almost sounds like this news story I heard about this woman who sent her daughter off to boot camp, but the daughter’s life was made so miserable there! Sounds like a good deterrent for all bad kids!

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