Almost Wordless Wednesday | I WON A Prize!

I was so excited when I received an email from Katja Presnal from Skimbaco Lifestyle.   I entered her Famous Footwear $100 gift card giveaway and out of 155 comments, I won!

I couldn’t believe it. I am so happy!

Here are the photos I took when I received the package:

I was skeptical when I looked at the envelope...

I was skeptical when I looked at the envelope...

This really made my day!

but not for long. This really made my day!

Thanks you Katja and thank you Famous Footwear! I can’t wait to buy some hot new boots!


  1. Congratulations! I love Famous Footwear, what a great prize!


  3. Congratulations! Have fun shoe shopping!

  4. Congratulations!

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