What Would You Think?

Yesterday I was listening to the radio while driving and someone called the radio station asking for advice.  The woman that called stated that she met a guy at a fitness club and they’ve been dating for a few weeks. They started getting kind of serious so she asked him if she could go to his place to “hang out”.

He told her that he lives with his mother so it wouldn’t be a good idea because he doesn’t want to upset her.  He also told her that his mother doesn’t even like it when he closes the door.

Mind you, he is 32 years old! Weird, huh?

So, what do you think?

Is he really telling the truthIs he lying because he’s hiding something?

Please let me know what you think because  I have an idea of what the real truth is.

C’mon, he’s 32 years old and still lives with his mother.  To me, that’s a red flag right there if you ask me.

THANKS! Can’t wait to read your comments!


  1. He’s married. No question.

  2. Ha! I bet the dude she’s talking about was one of my exes! I would say he’s married, but seriously it can go either way–I know alot of Mama’s boys who “claim” to stay at home with their parents “to help them out financially”. Its more like the other way around–Mama even pays the cell phone bill so she has a right to read the bill and see how many times Trampy Tina has texted. OMG! Either way, the caller needs to dump this guy pronto.Um, it also seems kind of freakish that he would share that much info, ie; “Mom doesn’t like it when I close the door.” Come on, even if it were true, would a normal dude really say it out loud? For real. There is no future with a married man or a man who is nearing middle aged and still shacked up with his folks. The exception would have to be profoundly amazing!

  3. It’s definitely a huge red flag. It doesn’t matter if the mom story is true or if he is hiding something else, this man is not worth a second thought.

  4. My sister is dating a guy who is 48 and still lives at home. Lucky for her, his mom drinks and so he is allowed to bring her over for the night! Either way, married or just some moocher living off of his mom, I say STAY AWAY!

  5. Is he Italian? Because unfortunately that’s something that happens a lot in Italy… Italian men are such mama’s boys! Luckily my parents had a girl, or I’d probably still be home 😉


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