I always get burned!

burts_bees_res_q_ointmentWhen it comes to cooking, most of the time I get burned.  Since I’m trying to do so many things at once,  sometimes I forget that the pots are hot.

Oh and don’t get me started on breaking fights/arguments, telling my kids to keep it down or even hearing my 4 year old cry about something.  I’m lucky to have dinner in less than an hour most days.

Yesterday when I was cooking dinner, my daughter started talking to me about school, which isn’t an unusual thing.   She loves to talk about school and anything else that is on her mind, which is alot!

So at one point, she asks me to look at her. I told her to hold on and she kept saying mom, look at this; mom, look at this.  So I look really quick and the steam burned my forearm.

It was so painful!

At that second, I immediately put my arm under cold water but it was still burning.  But then I remembered a product I bought from Burt’s Bees that worked for me before.  So I go into the bathroom medicine cabinet and there it is.

It’s called Doctor Burt’s Res-Q Ointment.  It is like magic when you put it on your burned skin.  As soon as I had the ointment on my skin, I could tell it was working its magic.  The burning pain was slowly going away and it started to feel cool.  I had to finish cooking dinner so I put a band-aid on so I wouldn’t scrape it on anything.

This morning, I took off the band-aid and I had no pain.  Usually when I get burned and don’t use that, it’s still pulsing with pain the next day.  Not with Burt’s Bees; It’s already on its way to heal, thanks to the ointment.  I have to be honest though, it smells odd but it definitely works.  It’s made out of Sweet Almond Oil, Olive Oil, Beeswax, Cocoa Butter, Vitamin E, Wheat Germ oil, Comfrey Leaf & Root Extracts. I always get relief when I use it.  You can use it for many other things too; like bruises, bumps, scrapes and even bee stings!

I know when I was younger, my grandmother used to put toothpaste on my burns but that hurt like hell!  Who the hell invented toothpaste for healing burns?  That person was nuts to think that.

So, if you ever have a burn, a bump or a bruise, use Doctor Burt’s Res-Q Ointment and get the relief you need!

*This is not a paid advertisement.


  1. I have that, it works well for mosquito bites, too! I burned myself too yesterday – then I remembered reading that the inventor of aromatherapy was someone who had burned himself and stuck his hand in a vat of pure lavender oil, so I put lavender oil on, and… surprise! the pain lessened, then disappeared completely, and no mark! yay!

  2. Good to remember. I usually end up just dealing with the pain or my husband tries to put butter on it, and really that is kind of odd to me though it does work. I just don’t really want food on my arm. 🙂

  3. Thx for info! I heard that old wives tale before and used toothpaste on Big K but then it gave him a scar that took yrs to fade too! Pobrecito I learned so much with him =)Prince the little man has benefited from it LOL

  4. Hi there!
    Good info indeed! I’ve always put mayo on burns.

    Hey, I love the “Events In NYC” button. Sometimes can’t believe all the stuff goes on there. Wish I were there!! We have nothing here, and I really mean NOTHING!
    Have a great day! :-))

    • Mayo on burns? Now that’s a new one for me! LOL

      Yes, I love the button too. I live an hour away from the city so it’s always nice to know what’s going on for the weekend. I’m glad you like it. By the way, where do you live?

  5. Hi again! Never heard of it huh?? Yep, mayo will pull the burn out of the skin. But other products work a lot quicker. But I never seem to have anything better when I get burned. lol Isn’t that the way it goes. 😉

    I live in Georgia now, but I am from North Carolina and miss it much. I moved down here when I married Wanda. She is from Georgia and loves it, so now I either stay or go back home without her. How could I ever go back without her, so you see, now you know why I can’t go back home. lol

    Have a great weekend! :-))

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