Almost Wordless Wednesday – I was featured in a Magazine!


I was really excited to see my name and blog in the June 29th issue of Woman’s World Magazine.  It’s one of my favorite magazines because it covers various topics from skin care to diets, home decorating tips to recipes and lots more.

Thanks Kristina Mastrocola for the fun phone interview!

For more Wordless Wednesday, visit 5 Minutes For Mom!



  2. Very cool!

  3. How cool! Good for you! Now I’m going to have to look for the mag next time I’m at the store!

  4. Congrats – That must have been so amazing to see! Definitely cut it out and keep it in a scrap book!

  5. OMG how cool. Congrats!

  6. Congrats, Chica! I showed it to the kids and they said wow that’s so cool! 😉

  7. That is so cool! Congrats!!

  8. That is so great chica! Congrats! Save that magazine!!!

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