The city that never sleeps.

City That Never Sleeps
The City That Never Sleeps
is now called the most expensive city in the US.  Isn’t that crazy?  They say you need to have a six digit income to make middle-class.  I couldn’t believe it.  We definitely don’t have that kind of income in my house.  I guess we’re not considered middle-class anymore.  We’re more like poor!

Check out the full article and see for yourself.


  1. Well, poor is average these days.

  2. visiting you

  3. I’m surprised it’s not a city in CA that made the top of the list, but yeah barely anyone who lives in NY can afford it.

  4. P.S: I love the new header.

  5. I’ve always considered Frisco as the most expensive, but my husband has been insistent, it’s NY. oh well, we as New Yorkers will just have to work harder. who knows, a few years from now, you have to make a couple of hundred grand to be even considered as middle class.

  6. yea, i believe it….my friends in nyc pay through the nose for their apartments downtown!

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