My first giveaway!!!

Almost every blog I visit has some sort of giveaway.  There’s prizes, money and sometimes even Entrecard credits. So I thought it was time for me to do the same.

So, I am giving away 1,000 Entrecard credits to the first person to tell me what this is:

What am I?

What am I?

Edited to add:

*Contest ends Thursday!! Thanks!


  1. a globe! Shamrocker99 at aol dot com

  2. A Globe that houses a mini bar inside 🙂

  3. Is it a globe? Great picture!

  4. Hiya..
    I love guessing games..hehe..

    Is it a globe????

  5. Hi Lisa! Is it a Globe????

  6. GLOBE

  7. I’ve just found your blog through Entrecard. That looks like it could be part of an antique globe to me!

  8. Looks like a globe?! Just found you thru EntreCard, great site!

  9. I think it is a globe?

  10. It’s a globe! Am I right?

  11. Looks like a globe to me! A neat one, at that.

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