I would comment more often but…

some bloggers only have a few choices.  Either you have to be a Google/Blogger member or have an Open ID.  The Open ID choices are LiveJournal, WordPress, TypePad or AIM.  All of which I have neither.  The hosting that I do have is GoDaddy and the application I am using is WordPress but it is not the same because I have my own dot com.


So if you leave me a comment and I can’t leave a URL comment (Name and Website), then I will reply to your comment through my blog.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


  1. I know what you mean, it’s frustrating when I want to comment on a blog that requires a sign in before I can comment. That’s the worst.

  2. I know what you mean. I sometimes can’t leave a comment because of that. I had to make a google account to be able to leave a comment but I don’t use it often so I forget the password most of the time…

  3. There are worthly blogs that I follow however I always face this problem!

    Sad but True 🙁

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