Yay! Another award!

I am so happy. I just received another award.  I feel so special.  It was given to me by my friend over at Isolated Existence. Thanks so much C!

I think the award is really nice and so cute. So I am sending this award to a few of my favorite blogs ( I have MANY favorites):


  1. Thank you for the award – that is not what I was expecting, a great surprise. As far as the links – it is a widget on blogger. If you go to the layout page and hit blog roll or even do a list you can do the drop down and not show all of the links.

  2. Your welcome, he, he. I love the new layout by the way, very colorful!! I couldn’t find one colorful for mine so I picked the fallish one for now until they (b2evo) have more.

  3. You are so welcome, i’m happy you like it! Thanks for the love sweetie!

  4. Congrats on the award! 🙂

    BTW: I’m stealing your button to replace the one I already have on ‘On The Bricks’. LOL!

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