So Addicted!

Lately, I have been so addicted to these songs.  Every time I hear them, I blast them and TRY to sing along.. The reason why I say TRY is because you do NOT want to hear me sing…LOL… Oh no, you don’t.  But I don’t care how I sound because singing is so much fun for me.

So here they are:

Disturbia by Rihanna (Beware, the video is a little CRAZY)

American Boy by Estelle Feat. Kenye West

Pocket Full of Sunshine by Nastasha Bedingfield

Closer by Ne-yo

Do you have any songs that you are addicted to? I’d love to hear about it!


The other addiction is Family Ties.  Oh how I used to love that show when I was younger so now that the show is on, I am so addicted to that site.  I watch that show all the time. Have you seen any shows I mentioned before? If so, I would love to know which ones you like.


  1. Oh man, I know exactly what you mean. I have a bunch a songs stuck in my head right now. One of them is that song from the converse commercials, with Santogold, The guy from the strokes and Pharrell. Its so addicting.

    Also I got that sunshine song stuck in my head like you. Its like haunting me. It plays at work like 3 times everyday. Its actually painful.

    Lastly I got Rock the Boat. You know, “Don’t rock the boat, don’t rock the boat baby. Don’t tip the boat over.”

    I love that song haha.



  2. Right now I am addicted to the family guy and Jon and kate plus 8. I watch them everytime I see them on. Musically I am listening alot to mother mother by tracy bonham and bitch by Meredith baxter brooks both are old but they speak to where I am at, at this point in my life. I love the girl power in them.

  3. I love those songs too. Perhaps it is a New York thing? I live in Atlanta now but I am from Long Island.

  4. Turn it up, I can’t hear you sing! 😉

    Hi There!
    Got something for you on my blog if you want it. 🙂

  5. Aw! I sing all the time too, but I don’t think others enjoy it. LOL

    I love the song Disturbia too.

    Actually one of the songs I like right now is Chingy’s “Kick Drum”. LOL It’s got a great beat to keep me going here at my desk all day! 😀

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