Motherhood & Marriage

Why is it when you are alone, with no kids or your
spouse in the house; you feel alive, free and calm. But after a few hours, you start to feel
lonely, bored and sad. Then guilt hits
you because you wanted to alone in the first place when you know you deserve some time to yourself. Why does that happen?

Even though I’m a SAHM, I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world, unless I have to

In my opinion, Motherhood and Marriage can suck at
times but in the end, they’re the best two things in the world.

If you’re married and/or have kids, you know exactly how I feel.

To all the moms and wives, how do you feel when you are alone in the house?  I’d love to know.

Please, share your stories


  1. The only time I’m alone is after 11pm when hubby and kids are all asleep. So I guess I’m not *really* alone. I definitely relish that little bit of “me time” that I get. I’d feel guilty if I got a babysitter just to have time for myself. Like it’s a waste of money or something.

  2. when i’m left alone in the house, i feel peace and i relish the time that i have to do all chores without distractions and pause. but after i’ve finished the work, i kinda miss my family and so i turn to the tv, or read a good book or blog to pass away time, although with the enormous tasks to be done, my family’s home before i can finish. 🙂

  3. I normally get some time alone when my boys are at football practice or any sports practice. I enjoy the peace and quiet at first, but then I start to get a little lonely. Like you said, even though the boys and hubby can get on my nerves sometimes, I wouldn’t want to be without them….

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