Friday Five on a Tuesday

Today is a beautiful day outside but I feel so lazy inside.  I just want to sit around in quietness and just listen to nature.  The birds are singing, bugs are making noise and the trees are swaying in the nice cool wind.  Quietness is NOT possible with 3 kids, a dog and a mother-in-law.  Either the TV is on, the kids are bickering or someone saying they are bored or hungry. 

Can I have at least an hour of peace to myself???

Or is that asking for too much??

On another note, I am so confused.  I really want to school to start and I don’t because when schools starts, it also means that Summer is over.  In my opinion, Summer is going by so fast.  The weather has been crazy.  One minute it’s sunny and hot, the next it’s thundering, lightening and pouring rain.  Now today feels like September/October.  What is the deal with Mother Nature?

Anyway, back to my Friday Five on a Tuesday.  By the way, I “stole” this from my blogger buddy Cece.  Thanks girl!  My mind has been a blank

1)  When I was a kid I wanted to be (as crazy as it may sound to some people but this is true) a mom when I grew up.

2)  The last time I went to Wal-Mart I was miserable because there was so many damn people in the school supply section.  It was crazy!

3)  When I have a few extra bucks I like to spend it on ice cream sundaes at the ice cream shop.

4)  The first 3 things I’m going to do if I win the Lottery is pay off my debt (including my mortgage), go on a looooooooooooonnnnnnnnggggggg vacation & give some to my favorite charities – The Cancer Society and The Diabetes Foundation.

5)  What I look forward to most in the Fall is the weather.


  1. dropped an EC. i also have 3 kids and it’s really impossible to have an hour of peace. you’re right: tv, bickering, hungry, getting bored… drives me crazy being a first time sahm.

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