Blogging BLAH!

That is what I’m feeling.  This summer has been one of the most “blah” summers ever.  I can’t wait for school to start because I will be searching for a job to get out of this rut.

You may be wondering why I’m in a rut. Well, it’s because I’ve been going thru family drama, upon family drama, upon family drama and I’m tired of it.  That is why I haven’t been posting as much as before. 

So, I’m taking a small break.  I may be back to post a pic or something or I may not.  It all depends on how I feel.


  1. Yeah, I hear ya. I get blah sometimes too especially dealing with family related drama! Hope you get back on track once school is back. Good luck!

  2. Family dramas suck. I hope all turns out well. {{hugs}}

  3. Aw! It’s been really weird here, too.

    I tagged you for a meme, maybe that will help a little. 😉

  4. Hey mami…I hope things get better 🙂

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