Wordless Wednesday – NOT!

(A day late)

I couldn’t find a picture for today’s post but I do have a few words to write about. Last night while my hubby and I were watching Weeds, the lights started flickering then EVERYTHING turned off. It was about 11:30PM. First thing I thought was; Oh no, I should’ve mailed in my payment on time! But then I noticed the light posts outside were off too. So I decided to go outside and also noticed the WHOLE neighborhood was in the dark. I could not believe it. I was shocked. It wasn’t that hot out and we didn’t even have a storm. So I was confused on why that happened.

Anyway, we frantically looked around for a flashlight with the help of our cell phone lights and finally hubby found one. It’s terrible, but if we were not ready at all. We really need to make plans on getting a box filled with stuff to help us through a power outage if it ever happens again.  We would also need to get a generator because the whole family sleeps with an air cleaner. When that turns off, everyone wakes up, including me.  I had a real hard time falling asleep when the power went out.  One by one, my kids were waking up at midnight.  First, my 3 year old woke up saying she was thirsty for milk (which she never does), then my son woke up saying that there was something wrong with the air purifier (air cleaner) then my 9 year old daughter came out looking confused and I had to put them all back to bed one by one. It was not a good night.

After I put them to bed, I went to bed listening to my hubby snore. I could not fall asleep. I hate when he snores.  He rarely does but his allergies were really bad.  Everything was just too quiet.  I need some kind of white noise to fall asleep. I’ve gotten used to that since I was in my late teens.  So eventually, I fell asleep. Around 2:30AM, I woke up and noticed the air purifier was on, the night light in my daughter’s room was on and the lights outside were also on. I smiled and went back to sleep like a baby.

That afternoon, I read in the newspaper that the utility pole either had some rotting problems or a shifting foundation.  Hopefully that won’t happen again.


  1. I don’t think we’re as prepared either, we only seem to check our flash light batteries once a year & that’s right before camping! lol Luckily they have magnets on them so we keep them on the side of the fridge at all times. But I’ve got candles of all shapes & sizes ALL OVER the house so in black outs we just light them up & we’re all good.

    OMG we LOVE Weeds! When season 3 came out on DVD we plowed through it in a few days! Can’t wait to see next seasons!

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