Time for new glasses

It’s that time again! I really need to get a new pair of prescription glasses.  I’ve had mine for over two years now.  Even though I only use my glasses when I drive or when I am watching movies, I still need to get a new pair because the pair that I have are really showing their age.  So when I found out about this site zennioptical.com, I was really happy. First of all, their prices are unbelievable.  You can get a complete pair of single vision prescription glasses for only $8.00.  With that price, you get an anti-scratch coating, UV protection; the lens edge polished and beveled, a quality hard case, microfiber cleaning cloth and their full guarantee.  Where can you get all that for just 8 bucks plus $4.95 shipping?  And if you order more than one pair of glasses, the shipping stays the same.  I don’t think there is another company that does that so this is a great deal you don’t want to miss.  If you prefer to get a sunglass tint over the lens or an anti-reflective coating, it will only cost you $4.95 for each.  Not bad, uh?  I think that is a great deal no one should miss.

Below is an example of a really fun pair.  Aren’t they unique and cute?


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  2. Thank you for giving that link!! There’s some wild looking glasses on that site. LOL!

    I have to get some glasses myself and I just don’t want to pay a arm and a leg for them. 😉

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