Part II: My husband Flirts!

Here is the answer from yesterday’s post that I promised you.

A: What’s going on here is anyone’s guess.  Yes, your husband could be trying to make you jealous–or he could have a crush on this woman.  Either way, the fact remains that the situation is making you seriously unhappy.  And don’t for one second think that you’re the one “starting trouble.”  If your guy’s so concerned about trouble, he ought to refrain from tickling (tickling!) the goalie’s mom!

Confronting your husband will only put him on the defensive.  Instead, simply tell him that his actions bother you and ask him to stop.  Say that it makes you uncomfortable to watch him lavish so much attention on another woman.  He may tell you you’re making a big deal out of nothing, but don’t let the conversation devolve into an argument about whether you trust him or whether you’re overreacting.  It really doesn’t matter why you don’t like what he’s doing.  You’re his wife, his beloved, and you’re asking him to stop.

I always say I’m not going to be one of those women who say guys are dense, but, um, sometimes guys are dense (I so agree,lol).  Spell it out plain and simple and give your husband a chance to make you happy by minding his manners and keeping his tickle fingers to himself.

So, I still don’t have any comments about this situation so I’ll be waiting. 

***What are your thoughts about this?  I’d love to hear about it!


  1. I guess she said what I said without the neck rolling. lol! But at this point I wouldn’t even be that mature. I would just let him have it. Talking junk this wouldn’t happen to me. Tickling! What’s wrong with people! Are you on a date or something? I’m going to be stewing about this for days!

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