My husband flirts!

That was one of the dilemmas that I read in the August issue of Redbook, one of my favorite magazines.  This lady wrote to Karen Karbo, Redbook’s advice guru, with a situation I could not deal with.  Oh heck no!!

Here it her dilemma:

“I’ve been married for 14 years to a good man.  Recently our son joined a sports team and we’ve become friends with some of the parents – we go to dinner, play cards, etc.  The problem is, one of the husbands never attends because socializing is not his thing.  When we all get together, my husband always sits with this man’s wife and even tickles her, walks her to her car, and asks her to call to let him know she made it home safe.  I’ve confronted my husband about this, and he says I’m just starting trouble.  Is he trying to make me jealous?  What’s going on here?  Please help! — M.H., 34, Cinncinnati”

After I read this, I couldn’t believe what I was reading.   This woman is in “Lalaland” while this is happening to her right in front of her face.  For her husband to tickle another woman, is beyond me.  I would NEVER let another man do that to me and I’m damned sure will NOT have that happen in front of my face.  Oh no way!! That is just too crazy and bizarre for me.

So, what do you think?  Is she overreacting?

*Tomorrow I will post the answer that Karen wrote to her.  I can’t wait to hear what you have to say.


  1. I see you’re still flirting with new looks. 🙂 I like it!

    Now I wanted to post a comment to this because when I read your post I wanted to get all “Whitney Houston” on somebody. (“Aw Hell to the Naw”) Tickling? What is going on here? Let me find out my hubby is tickling some chick there might be some trouble! Ok I’m taking off my Ghetto Latina hat! lol! She really needs to look at her marriage and put her foot down. It’s completely disrespectful and he’s making her look like a fool in front of everyone. She also needs to talk to that woman and let her know that it’s unacceptable. And if she has to involve the other woman’s husband into it then so be it. My two cents. 🙂

  2. Yeah, I’d say that’s trouble. My husband is pretty affectionate, but I’d have to slap him if he tickled someone else’s wife!

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