Coincidence or just weird?

Last night I went to the drive-in with my younger sister and we saw Mama Mia.  I tell you I do not like musicals but this movie I have to say I really enjoyed.  I laughed and was in awe many times.   It was really a feel-good movie.  I don’t think the males with lots of testosterone would appreciate this movie because in my opinion, it contained too much estrogen.  I don’t mind at all because I am a girl.

So when I got home,  I decided to watch TV in my bedroom with hubby and let the kids watch TV in the living room.  While flipping through channels, he saw that the show Will and Grace was on.  The weird thing is that when he turned up the volume; Will’s mom, Will and Jack came into Will’s apartment singing the infamous Mama Mia song.  They had just seen Mama Mia on Broadway and they were were singing and dancing around the apartment.  I gave him a look and I said wow, that’s weird; I just saw the movie.  He said, yea, that is weird. 

So do weird things like this happen to you?

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