Yard sale

I really need to have a yard sale.  We have accumulated so much stuff in the past 7 years, I feel like we are growing out of this house.  We pretty much have an average size house.  Not too big and not too small.  It is perfect for a family of five but with all this stuff, I feel like we need to buy a bigger house.  In reality, we don’t have to.  We just need to get rid of everything we don’t use anymore.  The only problem we have, is that we NEVER had a yard sale.  I don’t know what to do, how to do it or how to price things.  I’ve been searching through other blogs and I’m getting tips here and there but I am still confused.

If anyone in the Blogosphere can give me any helpful tips, I would greatly appreciate it.


  1. My co-worker is a yard sale queen. Gather up everything you want to sell and put it in the garage. The day before price the stuff and add 20-40% to want you really want to sell it for because people bargain the price down anyway. Put an ad in the paper so you get more people. Also make a nice display if you’re going to sell clothes hang them up make it look like a store and your stuff will sell and for more money. Oh and if you’re selling any electrical stuff have an extension cord and outlet handy so people can try it out. Geez, maybe I should make a blog post about this! 🙂

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