What color car do you drive?

According to an article by U.S. News and World Report, the people that drive an emerald green vehicle, have the most positive attitude about the course of their own lives.

Dark blue and Silver are the other two colors that are owned by upbeat people.  (I own a silver vehicle)

Red supposedly connotes an aggressive, high speed personality, while yellow, is for people with sunny dispositions.

A survey does show that people who drive red or yellow cars have below-average confidence.  People that drive black cars supposedly show signs of power and elegance.  They are also the most downbeat drivers of all.

Here’s are some charts from the survey:

People whose car is: Have confidence that is:
Emerald green 5.5% above average
Dark blue 3.2% above average
Silver 1.2% above average
White Average
Sunny yellow 3.7% below average
Orange 4.1% below average
Bright blue 5.5% below average
Bright yellow 8.3% below average
Red 8.8 % below average
Black 14.6% below average

People whose car is: Experience:
Black, dark blue,
or silver
Consistent moods
White, sunny yellow,
or bright blue
Modest mood swings
Orange, red, bright
yellow, or
emerald green
The most pronounced mood swings

So, what color vehicle do you drive?  Are you an aggressive driver or a passive driver?  Drop me a comment and let me know


  1. I’ve got a silver car hubby’s got a black one. I’m passive he’s aggressive. 🙂

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