
Today is Friday!! YAY!! Thank goodness.  I’ve been waiting for the weekend since Wednesday.  The reason is because I hate waking up early, but since I have to make sure my kids are up and ready to go; I have to wake up so they don’t miss the bus. 

I am not a morning person at all.  I don’t think I ever was.  I love to sleep and wake up gradually.  I hate when someone wakes me up, especially when they shove me to wake up.  I don’t even like waking up to music.   I’m not really a night owl either.  I’m more like a “middle of the day” kind of person.  I tend to fall asleep at about 10 pm on the sofa while watching TV with my husband.  I would have to say that I need about 8-10 hours of sleep.  Yes, I know that is a lot but I can’t function with a good attitude if I get less than 8 hours at night.  It’s what my body needs, I have no idea why.  If I don’t get enough sleep, I get very cranky and no one wants a cranky mommy or wife. 

Always remember this, Happy Wife = Happy Life   Oh, this is so true.  Do you agree?

So, are you a morning person or a night owl?



  1. I used to be a night owl. I used to be able to stay up past midnight every night but not anymore. I haven’t been able to do that this past year. I’ve been really tired every day these last few months. I’m going to go see a doc to make sure something isn’t wrong with my body.

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