Renuzit Tri Scents – Transform your home

I love when my home smells clean.  There is nothing better than a clean smelling house.  I also love when it smells like an air freshener.  What can I say, I love good smelling things.  I love different scents in the air to match my different moods too.  The reason why I  love different scents in the air is because I also have a dog.  He isn’t too big, but his smell can be at times.  I especially love the way Renuzits smell.  They have a new product out and the way it works is that the scent changes between three different scents.  The one that I love is Morning Meadow.  The three different scents are Waterfall Mist, After the rain and Pure Breeze.  It’s great.  It reminds me of the different scents you smell when it rains.  We can’t get enough of it. 

I was bummed out I didn’t enter the contest that Nest has right now.  I would have loved to have one of my rooms updated.  Right now my kitchen is in the process of being updated and it’s going to take awhile because we ran out of money.  I’m not too worried though.  I know it will get done, eventually.

The best thing about this contest is that the winner with the most votes will get $20,000 to transform their home.  How cool is that?  So I looked through the pictures and the videos and I chose one.

Here is the house I chose for the prize of $20,000.  They really sound like they would benefit from the money and the scents.  They have 2 kids and they want a special place to call home.  Click here or read more about them below:

[Please help! We have two small children and have been forced out of our home, and barely have money to get by. We found a small place that is run down, and we are financially unable to fix it up. The two bedrooms are too small for our children to share which forces my husband and I on the couch in the living room. The house is in rough shape inside and out. The outside is falling apart. It is an old house and very dirty and musty smelling. With the help of Renuzit Triscents, this could be just the thing to put an end to the smell and help our inside smell like a home. This makeover would be the best gift for our family in so many ways. Everyday is a struggle to get by and this could really help lighten our load and bring our family closer together. Please h elp us get a makeover and help improve our lives. This could help get us some more living space and my husband and I could have a bedroom. We want to feel at peace when we come home. With our financial stress this could eleviate an area of stress for us. The outside appearance needs much help. Please America vote for us and help bring some peace and smell of fresh air our way with the help of Tanya and Triscents. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Nothing could be more greatly appreciated in this time of need.]

Check out the semi-finalist gallery and see the contestants that are trying to win.  All you have to do is enter your name, address and your email address than you can choose the one you would like to see win the $20,000 to transform their home.

Enter and vote now. You have until June 8, 2008 to make your choice.


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