
this post?  [I’m sorry this post is late but it was buried with my other posts/drafts]. 

Well, I finally got the last call the following Monday afternoon (5/19/08) from Sears customer service.  They claimed I was going to receive the tractor Tuesday morning between 10:15-12:15 PM.  I told my husband, “Sears called but I bet they’ll reschedule again”.  He agreed.  The morning of the delivery, I had to take our dog to the vet and when I was coming home, I got this strange feeling because I was behind an unmarked white truck.  I thought to myself, “Imagine if this truck is from Sears?  But when I looked at the time, (it was 9:45 AM) I thought, “Nah, it’s too early”. 

So I kept driving. Good thing I wasn’t too far away from my house but guess what?  The truck had his blinkers on to turn left on my street.  Then I thought, OK, maybe this truck IS the Sears delivery guys.  So I made the left turn after the truck did and I noticed he was slowing down a bit.  I thought to myself, this HAS to be the truck.  Long and behold, it parked right in front of my neighbor’s house.  I went into my driveway and when I got out of the car, I asked the two guys “Are you from Sears delivery?” They both said yes…. I thought “It’s about damn time!”  Geez.. We’ve been waiting since the week before.

So then I proceeded to tell him, Um, you guys are pretty early, wasn’t it for 10:15 AM?  They said yea, we are ahead of schedule.  So, imagine if I was “late” from dropping off the dog to the vet? We would’ve been rescheduled for another delivery and that would’ve sucked!!

So anyway, we’re happy now that we have our tractor and in my opinion, Sears delivery still sucks; either they tell you they need to reschedule OR they tell you they’ll deliver it this day and don’t OR they deliver it early and if you’re not there, you’re out of luck!

One of my readers made a good point: “What ever happened to the customer is always right motto?” I don’t know happened to that motto….I really don’t know.

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