How long can you hold your breath underwater?

Can you hold your breath under water for two minutes? How about one minute?  I know I can’t hold my breath for too long.  I could probably hold my breath for 30 seconds, maybe.

17 minutes, 4.4 seconds is the new world record for a person to hold their breath under water.  It was done by the infamous David Blaine on the Oprah show today.  Can you believe it?  While I was watching the show, I got chills and there was a point where I couldn’t even look at TV.  I even felt nervous for some strange reason.  My daughter was sitting right next to me and I could tell she was feeling nervous too.  So, did anyone see it?  If not, you have to watch a clip of it.  It’ll make your skin crawl; if you’re sensitive like me, of course.

Check out this site.

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