Do you have an abnormal “pot” belly?

If so, you may have a uterine fibroid.  Yes, about 70% of women have them and don’t even know they have them.

About 25-50% of women that have symptoms usually have heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain and pressure, and possible difficulty getting (or staying) pregnant.  If they get too big, they can cause major damage to your kidneys.

If a doctor tells you that you have fibroids, don’t panic–you don’t have cancer and you may never develop symptoms.  If you do have them, make sure your doctor gives you all the information you need about treatment options.

So, do you think you have fibroids?  If so, please get checked out and tell your doctor about it.

Check out this site.


  1. Wow this is so amazing to see this post. I did have a bit of a pot belly and then last year I started having the heavy bleeding…which progressed into me passing out from losing so much blood.

    I finally got it checked out and I did have fibroids. I had them removed in February and I feel much better and the belly is going away.

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