When I first received the email inviting me to a press event in San Francisco, I was surprised to know that Walt Disney had a whole museum dedicated to his life, his family and his fantastic career. Visiting the Walt Disney Family Museum was saved for day 3, the last thing on our agenda during the Disney/Pixar Event last month but it was the most memorable. Opened in 2009, the beautiful Walt Disney Family museum sits on the old grounds of a military base in the Presidio of San Francisco … [Read more...]
Visiting Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco, California #DisneyPixarEvent
May 4, 2012 by 3 Comments
San Francisco, Here I Come! #DisneyPixarEvent
March 11, 2012 by 14 Comments
I don't even know where to begin. I'm so thrilled to be attending a Disney and Pixar event in San Francisco with 24 other bloggers from around the country! I literally screamed when I saw the email in my inbox. My kids were like, "Um, Mom, why are you acting like a kid?" I replied with, "I'm going to San Fransisco!" The looks on their faces were priceless! After that, my girls were asking if they could go. Sadly, they cannot. It's only for bloggers. YES!! lol Shh, don't tell … [Read more...]