Happy new year everyone! Eleven days in and this is my first post of the year. Whoa! I really need to make some blog adjustments this year. So while everyone else is trying to keep their resolutions or goals, I just came up with one motivational word for the year and that word is Live. You may be asking why live? Well since 2015 didn't end so well with my mom passing and all, I decided that I will stop being down, stop feeling depressed and unmotivated to do anything and instead turn … [Read more...]
Celebrate Any Occasion with Royal Caribbean’s Quantum of The Seas – The World’s First Smartship! #QuantumoftheSeas
Disclosure: I was invited by Royal Caribbean for a two-night media cruise on the Quantum of the Seas Cruise Ship. No monetary compensation was provided. Are you looking to travel with your loved ones for a special occasion or just because? You'd want to celebrate on the grandest, the most technological ship ever created -- Royal Caribbean's Quantum of the Seas Cruise Ship. It is nothing like you've seen before. If you've never cruised before, THIS is the cruise ship you'd want to try FIRST! … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday: West Point From Above
It was my first time at West Point and it won't be my last. It's BEAUTIFUL! If you've never been to West Point, you're missing out. You should visit real soon! … [Read more...]
Summer Vacation is Here!
The kids are off from school and I know I will run out of things to keep them busy. Unfortunately, this summer, we are unable to take a vacation because of all the prices going up. We will however, go to P.A. to visit some family for the weekend in August. So technically, that will be our little "vacation". One thing I would love to do is to check out some RVs For Sale and maybe we can think about traveling that way instead of going to a hotel. I have always wanted to travel in a … [Read more...]
Summer Vacations are Coming Soon
When I think about the Summer, I think about the best Summer vacation I ever had. It was when my husband and I took the kids to Disneyworld in 2001. We had so much fun especially since we had no thoughts of terrorists. Even though my kids were only three and five they still remember almost every part of the trip. We had the best time of our lives. After Disneyworld, we hopped on the Disney cruise which was the perfect way to end our trip. I think I prefer the cruise over the parks any … [Read more...]
Travel Time at the W.H. Stark House
Everyone that I know can tell you that I love to travel. It must be a part of my sign, which is a Sagittarius. I especially love to look at different books and web sites about Italy, Australia and France. I would love to go one of those places before I die. I think if I was a millionaire, I would never be home. I would be out traveling the world and looking at the many great places, especially landmarks. Landmarks are one of the greatest things to see in the world because it tells you a … [Read more...]